In Heidelberg: It was the holiday day after Pentecost Sunday, so the streets were not crowded. We had come to see the castle as well as the town.

It's me (with my traditional-for-me backpack).

Narrow streets with buildings against each other.

Towers above the other buildings

Inside of a church with a service for Pentecost. Beautiful organ music, but we didn't stay.

Cool buildings

There was a funicular to take us up to the castle. (Funicular derives from a word meaning cord. There are two cars on the end of a steel cable that alternately are raised and lowered on the hill. They alway pass each other in the middle.)

Heidelberg from the top of the mountain.

Famous stone bridge across the Neckar River.

And up the river from the castle.

Down river toward the Rhine: Heidelberg from above.

Close up of the big central church.

Castle entrance over the dry moat.

They kept bears in the moat at one time.

The castle has been rebuilt several times. This is one such section. Sometimes this is because there are disasters, but also because it is built with an available sandstone that weathers quickly. The statuary on the building has all unique figures.

This was left as part ruin, however, the statues have been replaced because of the weathering.

The courtyard looking back toward the entrance tower.

This impressive tower ruin had been a powder magazine and had an accident. The cupola top of the entrance tower can be seen over the trees.

In a lower room, they had a 50,000 gallon wood barrel. It had been used to hold the wine tax from the Palatine region.