Our first day in Boston, we took a Segway tour of the city. Wow, that was fun.

And we saw so much as well: Amazing private homes.

And grand buildings like this church. (We went back there on Sunday.)

This next place was the inside of the Old North Church. (A different church from the previous picture. This church was used to display signal lanterns from its tower for Paul Revere before his historic horse ride.)

The church had box pews. People would pay for a box, and then they could decorate it as they liked. Also, since the church was not heated in winter, the people in each box could bring their own heater to church.
In the old parts of Boston, there also were cobblestones. It started to rain on us, so we looked for something inside that we could do.

It happened that the Museum of Fine Arts was free entry on that day at that time, so we saw their Egypt exhibit.

Next day, we set off for Cape Cod. On the way, we went to see Plymouth Rock

Yup, there's a genuine rock there! And it has an authentic engraved date on it! :-)

More interesting was this reproduction of the Mayflower. It had been built in Europe and then sailed on a reenactment voyage to Plymouth some 60 years previous.

It seemed quite sturdy, but it wasn't big inside.

When we got to the Cape, we happened on a lovely park overlooking to the ocean. Some kayakers went by and I wanted to be out with them.

And on the way back, we took in a summer concert put on by the community band of the town of Sandwich. What fun!

Our hotel was conveniently at the end of one of the trolley lines into Boston. We went in to Boston Commons on the next day.

The Frog Pond was THE place to be if you were young and in a swim suit.

That evening we saw the Blue Man Group show. It was very entertaining; we had such a great time laughing!

Next day we went kayaking with friends on the Concord River,

and went under the (rebuilt) old bridge to the town of Concord (also of fame for Paul Revere's ride).

This brilliant plant was flowering along the banks.

We ate pizza at the town of Wellesley, and this was their town hall. It felt like it should have been set in Germany!

On Sunday we went back into Boston to attend the Old South Church. Beautiful music, a good message & friendly people.